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The Starting Line

Sep 8

1 min read




I weighed a whopping 278 today. If you knew the old me, you would know that is relatively small as I used to weigh around 340 in High School but I'm still a human rollie pollie. I need to start losing weight if I want to be here for my kids for a long time. I have an obese person's palette though so having to start eating somewhat healthy is my least favorite part of this journey. I want to go down to about 230 so I'm going to use this blog as a tracker and motivation to keep it going. I have also been doing Googles Cybersecurity course on Coursera so I will be updating how that is going on here as well. It is broken down to 8 courses within the certificate and I am currently on course 2 but I am about to be done with it. Follow me on my journey to changing my career and life!

Bear (Wasape)

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