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Not the Best Start

Sep 9

1 min read




I started off the day good. Protein shake for breakfast and a charcutier board type lunch. I broke it with dinner though. We call it pink spaghetti. It is angel hair pasta, half tomato sauce half alfredo sauce with sausage. I have to have angel hair pasta with spaghetti. If I don't it feels like I'm eating worms due to the thickness haha I know it's irrational, but I can't help it. The meal itself isn't bad to me but it was the portion size. It doesn't help that I ate enough to feed give two homeless dogs full bellies. I finished course 2 of 8 for the Google Cybersecurity course on Coursera. I've been at it for about a month, and I think I'm making good pace. I want to finish it and get a job before my next kid gets here around March. I won't find out what I'm having for about another month. I hope it's a girl though. I will start keeping track of what I eat and adding it to here, but I was off today and I'm lazy on my days off. I only weigh at work so I couldn't weight today. I'll update that tomorrow.

Wasape (Bear)

Sep 9

1 min read




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